
Author: MARCOM

Published Date: 1/11/2024

Categories: Behavioral Health Psychology F1RST Magazine 教育与公共服务学院 University News

Group therapy session
菲比·兰斯伯里(Phoebe Lansbury)与交往四年的男友分手,震惊了她. An undiagnosed panic disorder and general anxiety about her own wellness paralyzed Anna Trenton. And Isabella LaFollette spiraled into a very dark situational depressive episode after an abrupt end to a relationship.
对他们心理健康和情感健康的担忧导致他们每个人都寻求帮助. 随着去年秋季学期的到来, each began online sessions, 与卡罗尔行为健康心理学(BHP)项目的研究生会面. 没有什么值得注意的,除了菲比、安娜和伊莎贝拉不是真实的人.

The three were personas, created as part of a unique program that trains Carroll students as standardized patients – people who “act out” various health issues to aid in the training of healthcare students. The use of standardized – or simulated – patients began in the second half of the twentieth century to provide consistent and safe ways to train healthcare students as they communicate with, evaluate and diagnose patients. They are now used routinely to help train and evaluate medical students and healthcare providers, 甚至在卡罗尔的健康科学项目中, 从其他机构和组织采购的.

Phoebe, 安娜和伊莎贝拉是尤娜·福捷饰演的角色, 她是博天堂官方入口登陆登录护理专业的大三学生,同时也在寻求辅修戏剧专业. It was in a theatre class that she first heard about the standardized patient opportunity, 这种独特的合作关系充分利用了卡罗尔的文科优势.
“This is a new collaboration between the behavioral health psychology program and the theatre department,” explained Dr. Jessica Lahner, a clinical associate professor of psychology and director of the BHP program.

Discussions about training Carroll’s own students to perform as standardized patients began several years ago, and conducted a small trial in the summer of 2019 before being put aside during the pandemic. That effort saw two theatre students receive training so they could undergo patient assessments by students in Professor James Brandes’ class in the physician assistant (PA) studies graduate program.

Laura Gray, 卡罗尔戏剧课程的兼职讲师和经验丰富的专业演员, worked with those two students. They began with two case studies, each describing a patient, 详细描述有医学价值的信息,如生活方式, past events and illnesses. “我们把它当作一个角色研究,” explained Gray, 通常由演员和作家执行的任务, who build up the background of a character so they can better inhabit the role of that character.

经过一些即兴表演和格雷的进一步指导, 学生们参加了与PA学生的模拟诊断会话. Brandis and other faculty reviewed recorded sessions and provided feedback on the PA student’s information gathering and diagnostic skills. 这些录音也让格雷能够为戏剧专业的学生提供进一步的指导.

Those sessions were productive, but the tumult of the pandemic paused the program until last year when students began taking classes in Carroll’s new graduate program in behavioral health psychology. First-year students in that program take a course called Pre-Practicum: Advanced Interviewing. The semester-long class teaches practical skills in interviewing and consultation through active role-playing sessions.

“We really needed to find people our students can practice their counseling skills on,” said Lahner. “That usually starts with pairing our psychology students with their peers – who have to pretend to be patients.学生们轮流扮演咨询师/客户关系的双方, but the fact the students in each cohort are usually familiar with one another makes the “pretend” more difficult, she added. “你们的关系中没有那种真实的动力. 它使咨询师必须处理的数据量最小化.”

第一个问题是找学生. A decision was made to make the standardized patient training and session work a part of Carroll’s work-study program, so the time students spent in training and acting would be a part of their campus employment. 接下来,他们寻找感兴趣的学生.
Theatrical training was step one, 作为学生学习了一些基本的表演准备技巧, 培养用自己的声音来表达另一个角色的能力. 他们随后致力于角色发展, allowing the soon-to-be patients the chance to develop a more thorough picture of their characters.

“This really is applied theater,” said Gray, 作为表演者,这是一个学习关键技能的机会.”
然后,标准化的病人就可以部署了, 参加必和必拓学生的虚拟在线咨询课程.
For Oliver Ignazzitto ’23, 谁自己打算读研究生成为一名顾问, portraying a standardized patient served as a great opportunity to gain a broader understanding of the profession and to observe both sides of the counselor/client relationship.
他说:“我知道我对一些研究生很有帮助。. It also provided him with a glimpse of the innovative experiences Carroll offers its graduate students. “看到学生们准备得如此充分,我感到非常欣慰.”

这正是朱莉所需要的那种职业准备, 行为健康心理学研究生, is grateful. “(在)标准化病人之前,我们是在课堂上互相面试,”她说. “我们在班上都进行了一种练习小组治疗, but we’ve all known each other for two years now – we’ve already established a rapport that makes it easy to open up with one another. But working with the standardized patients really forces us to use the skills that we're learning, 与病人建立融洽的关系,帮助他们看到联系.” The standardized patients provide students with a more realistic experience – closer to what they're going to encounter as they start their careers.

研究生布列塔尼·德劳格说,有时候,这种经历感觉非常真实. She, too, worked with standardized patients in her fall pre-practicum course and in simulated intake and diagnostic sessions in spring. “We each had two patients, and each of them had two different background stories,” she recalled. “和我一起工作的第一个学生非常棒! If we would not have known they were standardized patients, we wouldn't have been able to tell. It was very convincing.她说,这种感觉太强烈了,有时会让人伤脑筋.

“It’s a challenge, 但这是非常有益的,因为你可以有效地进行远程医疗, 这在当今的现实世界中非常普遍.”
在研究生项目的第二年继续使用标准化患者, 临床心理评估及团体心理治疗课程. In the latter, a pair of psychology students lead a group session with five standardized patients.

奥斯卢斯回忆说,集体心理治疗的经历特别令人生畏. "You know, 在网上和一个标准化的病人一对一是一回事, 但是让五个人走进一个房间,坐在那里, 你要领导这个小组——这很吓人.她说,这让它成为一段奇妙而有益的经历. “它模仿了我们将要经历的事情, 但它是以一种我们可以实践、冒险并从中学习的方式发生的.” The group sessions, like the one-on-one meetings, are recorded so that both the psychology students and the standardized patients can receive feedback from professors.

“It's definitely lessening my anxiety going into my practicum internship experience,” she said. “Now I’m more aware of what it’s going to be like walking into a session with somebody I’ve never met before.”

It’s the sort of unique and innovative offering that sets Carroll’s program apart, added Ausloos. “I have spoken about the standardized patient program with both of the (healthcare) providers that I work with in my day job, 他们被卡罗尔创建的程序所震撼.”

拉纳认为这个项目是成功的,并希望看到它扩大. “I love how effective this is, 我不知道还有其他的咨询师培训项目会这样做,” she said. “这是卡罗尔与众不同的地方.”

受益的可能不仅仅是心理学研究生. 除了勤工俭学的经济影响之外, Fortier said she found the experience of being a standardized patient quite educational. “I think this program is helping a lot of people see the benefits of therapy and counseling. 因为当你扮演这个角色时,你和他们一起踏上了这段旅程. In the beginning, 这很愚蠢,因为你是一个带着假问题的假人, 他们只是假装在帮我.但随后她的角色出现了突破, 她说,这些突破也教会了她关于自己和他人的东西.

“在处理情绪方面,我学到了很多东西, 或者拖延,给自己留点时间, stuff like that. I genuinely benefitted from this experience with the BHP students because they had a lot of great feedback.”
Panoramic View of campus